Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bob Dylan Cleared in Massive Pizza Prank

A man who tricked workers at a Massachusetts pizza restaurant into believing they were filling a $3,900 order for Bob Dylan has come forward, and says he’ll help pay for the prank. As reported byThe Amherst Bulletin, on Nov. 20, a 46-year-old East Brunswick, New Jersey, man entered an Amherst pizzeria a few hours after Dylan had performed at a nearby venue.
Flashing backstage concert credentials, the man then placed an order for 178 extra-large gourmet pizzas. Workers stayed up until daybreak slinging dough and spreading toppings. When the man failed to return to pick up the order, the workers phoned police. Dylan’s camp was initially blamed for the incident, but, thanks to a surveillance tape, the true perpetrator was tracked down. Now, the unnamed prankster, who had no connection to Dylan or his crew, will make partial restitution.
Sean Clary, an Amherst attorney, said: “There was a deal struck between my client and the pizza parlor. My client regretted what he did and thought he did something out of character for himself.” The attorney declined to say how much money his client would pay, or if he would be leaving a tip.

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